*Results may vary for each individual and must be medically necessary. Consult your prescriber to discuss the best treatment options for you.
1. Please make sure that you are only injecting 1cc, .75cc, or .5cc of testosterone per week as directed by the doctor. You will receive a 5ml or a 10ml vial, enough to last up to 2 months. You will not run low on medication during an 8-9 week (2 month) period as long as you are following these tips and instructions. Running low on medications could be due to the following reasons:
On all of the needles, there is a “Dome” on the top of the plunger. When filling the syringe with medicine, you must make sure that the first line after the dome is used to measure. Do not use the top of the “Dome” to measure. Refer to the screenshots shown on the right. (“Correct Way” and “Incorrect Way”)
Remember to store the bottle of testosterone upright after use. If the bottle is left on its side it is possible medication may leak through the puncture hole(s) in the rubber stopper. Store the testosterone at room temperature, do not refrigerate.

2. Video Instructions on how to draw Testosterone when doing two shots per week:
Thank you for your ongoing support, these tips and instructions are to ensure that you are properly loading your syringe to the correct dosage. Please feel free to contact Royal Medical Center with any further questions or concerns.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Rodriguez, M.D.
Get To Know Gonadorelin
Royal Medical Center has worked with several US FDA-regulated Compounding Pharmacies in the testing of Gonadorelin by completing numerous labs on patients during a 4 month period of time. We continue to monitor the success of Gonadorelin and any new findings will be updated accordingly on this page. At this time, Royal Medical Center is the only clinic that has done clinical trials to show the effectiveness of Gonadorelin during therapy. There is much speculation that Gonadorelin needs to be administered in a pulse fashion via IV. Our labs show that when it is dosed correctly, Gonadorelin will show a rise in LH levels, which hCG has never done while on testosterone therapy.
Why is the dosing so important for Gonadorelin?
A high continuous dose of Gonadorelin will shut down the luteinizing hormone (LH) which produces your natural production of testosterone
A low dose of Gonadorelin will increase your LH